About MOPS

What is MOPS?

MOPS groups are communities that strive to meet the needs of every mom with children from birth through kindergarten. MOPS recognizes that urban, suburban, and rural moms, stay-at-home and working moms, teen, single, and married moms all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be.

The Christ's Place MOPS group is a collection of women from the Lincoln, Beatrice and Milford areas gathering bi-monthly to foster personal, social and spiritual growth.

What can I expect at a MOPS meeting?

The goal of each meeting is to give you an opportunity to connect with other moms!

Our meetings begin with a brunch buffet (provided by various tables), then you'll have opportunities to discuss given topics, get questions answered and just chat and catch up with moms at your table and other moms. Meetings will also highlight a creative activity, speaker, discussion topic and/or advice from Moms who have graduated from the "MOPS" phase!

While our meetings are structured, the environment is very relaxed and laid back. Come as you are and enjoy yourself!

The History of MOPS

Eight women. The number was small, but the need was great. The first MOPS meeting took place in February 1973 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.  For two hours, while their children received care, these mothers talked, laughed, ate, passed a basket for childcare expenses, had a craft demonstration and ended with a short devotional. In this humble beginning, the seeds of the MOPS concept and format were planted. Through friendship, creative outlets, and instruction, the women began to understand that "mothering matters." Today, the same needs for significance are met in much the same way in MOPS groups across the United States and around the world.