Christ's Place MOPS 2011-2012!
Welcome to CP MOPS! We want to thank you for choosing CP Mops to partner with
you on this remarkable, rewarding, sometimes frustrating and always changing journey
that is "Mommyhood". We're so glad you're here! Get ready for a year of growing as a
woman, as a mom, as a friend, and most importantly, as a daughter of God!
This year the Mops' theme is Confident Mothering.We are laying siege on the fears,
doubt, discouragement, disappointment and misconceptions about our abilities as
moms. Stepping out in confidence, we will realize that we are exactly the right women
for exactly the task set before us: mothering. We're refusing to strive for perfection
and are instead pursuing perfect moments in mothering! We're so excited to have
you with us as we navigate the gifts, talents, resources, strengths, weaknesses and
graces God gave us so that we can be the best moms we can be. We'll rejoice in our
accomplishments, empathize with our less than stellar moments, and each day try to
remember those tender mercies of God that are new every morning!
Are you ready? Grab your coffee, strap in that toddler, (make sure you've got some
snacks packed) and let's get ready for a thrilling, challenging, unforgettable and
amazing ride! Let's go!
(Haven't yet ready joined the caravan? Check the sidebar for information on how to join
our MOPS Group!)
Mary & Latrice